Friends of the Adel Public Library

The Friends of Adel Public Library is a community organization dedicated to the support and promotion of the library. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 4:30 pm.
If you are interested in joining the Friends Foundation, please contact the library at 515-993-3512 or at
We help through:
- Fund raising
- Providing homebound outreach
- Volunteering
- Working special events
Each year we hold many activities, including but not limited to:
- Bake sales
- Book sales
- Silent auctions
Donation information
- $100.00 - Your name on the wall in the Library conference room
- $250.00 - Small plaque
- $500.00 - Medium plaque
- $1000.00 - Large plaque
You can also donate like-new books or items for our fund-raising sales. Please review our donation policy.
President: Cynthia Swanson
Vice-President: Lisa Johnson
Secretary: Megan Sibbel
Treasurer: Tara Loterbour
Library Board Liaison: Teresa Wichtendahl
Library Director: Trever Jayne