Ask a Librarian

How do I...

Get a library card

Library cards can be issued to any resident who is 4 years or older. All library card applicants less than 14 years of age will be asked for the signature of a parent or guardian. Applicants over 14 years of age must provide a valid Photo I.D. and proof of Iowa Residency. There will be a $1.00 charge to replace a lost card.

Find a book drop

Items may be returned during normal hours at the Book Return to the right of the circulation desk. A 24-hour drive-up Book Return is available in the alley on the south side of our building. (Please note that the alley is one way.) 

Get email notifications

If you are not already getting notices by email, simply email us, call us, or stop by the circulation desk and we'll update your account.

Access my account

Go to our catalog and click Log On in the top right corner of the page. First time users will enter their patron number (this can be found on your library card) as the username and password. Once successfully logged in you can change this.

Renew and reserve items

To reserve items you can go to our catalog and log in to your account. Email us, call us, or stop in and ask a clerk.

Interlibrary loans

 If a book you are looking for is not available, we may be able to obtain it from another library. Please come in, call, or email us to inquire about using this service.

Find the library

If you can see a Taco Bell, then you are looking at the Adel, Georgia library.

Here is how you can locate our building.

Still have questions? Call us at 515-993-3512 or email at .